France Recognizes Moroccan Sovereignty Over Western Sahara

France makes a historic move as Morocco commemorates King Mohammed VI’s 25 years on the throne.

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Dakhla, southern Morocco

Dakhla, southern Morocco

France has taken a significant step by formally acknowledging Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara.

In a letter to King Mohammed VI, President Emmanuel Macron expressed France's strong support for Morocco's claim to the region.

Macron stated that France's position is that "the present and future of Western Sahara are within the scope of Moroccan sovereignty."

He emphasised that France's stance has been "consistent and unwavering," aligning with Morocco's 2007 autonomy plan.

This plan, Macron highlighted, "serves as the only basis for a political, fair, sustainable, and negotiated solution, in line with United Nations Security Council resolutions."

This major shift in France's position comes amid ongoing efforts to restore strong ties between Paris and Rabat, with France demonstrating its commitment to reconciliation in recent months.

As part of these efforts, the French government has consistently referred to Morocco as a key strategic partner in various sectors, including security, migration, and trade.

French Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Sejoine reiterated this commitment during his visit to Morocco in February, underscoring the importance of cooperation and regional stability.

For years, France supported Morocco's Autonomy Plan as a credible solution to the dispute, though some in Morocco saw this support as insufficient.

With Macron’s letter, France has now officially solidified its stance, delivering a setback to Algeria and the Polisario Front, who have long contested Morocco’s territorial claims.

France's decision follows a statement from Algeria condemning Paris’s new position on the Sahara.

On Thursday, the Algerian Foreign Ministry expressed its strong disapproval of France’s support for Morocco’s stance on Western Sahara.

"The Algerian Government has noted with great regret and profound disapproval the French government’s unexpected and counterproductive decision to support the autonomy plan under Moroccan sovereignty," the statement read.

Despite the retraction of the statement, Algerian officials and the Polisario Front continue to voice their displeasure with France's new stance.

France’s policy shift aligns with growing international support for Morocco's diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute. Spain, the US, and other European countries and global partners have recognized the credibility of Morocco’s initiative.

By TOA  -  Published on Tuesday Jul 30, 2024